Custom Servitor Egregore | Conjure Spirit | Servitor Made Just For You | Bound Spirit Companion that Serves Only You
Excited to introduce our Egregore creation service to you! We’ve been making these for ourselves and our close friends for a few years now, and wanted to share this life changing companionship with the Etsy community and our amazing store admirers and customers.
An Egregore is a thought-form that becomes a real entity or spirit created through the distinctive energy, will and consciousness of a specific group of adept magic practitioners who are working together. They are used as companions or magic helpers to assist you in anything you desire. For example, you may create an Egregore to help you manifest your spells/desires/or wishes faster. You may create an Egregore specifically to aid you in Love, Protection, Making Money, Becoming More Attractive, Exacting Revenge, Become More Creative or more. It’s entirely up to you.
Egregores can be life-long companions and magical helpers that will serve you for as long as you desire. The amazing thing about Egregores is that they continue to grow more powerful overtime as you work with them. This is the opposite of certain spells and rituals which can lessen in their influence as time passes. (Leading you to need another)
Like all spirits, entities, angels and demons, the people who gain the best results from Egregore are those who form a good relationship with them. This can easily be done by giving them offerings of things they enjoy, visualize them, use/wear their preferred crystals, use their preferred scents/smells, light candles using their favorite colors, etc. The more you do this, the stronger your relationship to your Egregore and the more powerful they become!
We will perform a seven-day long Black Magic ritual in our powerful circle of witches and manifestors to create your custom Egregore. Our talented artists will create a powerful custom sigil, and a mantra to help you call upon your Egregore whenever you please. Feel free to place the sigil on your altar, hang it in your room of choice, or keep it somewhere safe for your eyes alone.
Egregore creation takes 2-4 weeks, as it is very intensive work that requires us to gather information from you to customize it to the highest quality, then we need to perform the ritual, create the mantra and sigil. It is a longer process than many of our other spells and rituals, but so worth it. Once your custom spirit has entered your life, and it grows accustomed to you, you will notice that your life becomes naturally easier. Things will “fall into place,” your dreams will manifest faster, circumstances will work in your favor and new doors will constantly open for you.
To get started, please leave us a detailed message stating how you’d like an Egregore to help improve your life. What are you missing in your life that you wish for them to assist with? Is there anything they should specialize in? Let us know in the message section and feel free to ask any questions.
Our spells and other occult items and rituals that fall into the realm of the paranormal. You must be 18 years of age or older to purchase them. We are not responsible for anything that may or may not happen as a result of these rituals--you are paying for the service only. None of our products should be used as a substitute for any professional advice including Financial/Medical/Legal etc. We advise you to seek professional advice for such matters.
All spells, ritual services, and ritual items are non-refundable. Hence NO refunds. You pay for the work we provide, regardless of the final results.
This work demands more time, energy and work than most other rituals we perform, so expect the price to rise in the future. Thank you for reading and understanding.