In Jamaica, Guinea-hen-weed has several names including Guinea-hen-leaf, Garlic-weed, or Gully-root. Anamu has a long history of use in all the countries where it grows. Herbalists have traditionally used Anamu in their daily lives. I invite you to research the Guinea hen weed herb for all its benefits. Traditional GHW was used for wellbeing dates back to the Mayan era in South America. It was said that many conditions were treated, including rheumatism, cancer, nervous spasms, paralysis, hysteria, asthma, whooping cough, colds, influenza, pneumonia, bronchitis, fevers, headaches, cystitis, venereal diseases, menstrual complaints, and colic, by using the plant internally. They would apply the GHW Externally to treat earaches, fever, and headaches. The roots were used to treat toothaches, and crushed leaves were applied to the belly to induce labor. It was used in the nose as nose drops to treat sinusitis, and crushed leaves were applied to abscesses and used for muscular pain and skin diseases.
Nowadays, modern herbalists and natural health practitioners use it for several disorders, including arthritis, digestive disease, infections, diabetes, cancer, pain relief, nervous disorders, prostate problems, and even to induce abortions. In recent times, modern science has studied GHW intensively and many biologically active compounds have been discovered in the plant: flavonoids, triterpenes, steroids, and sulfur compounds. The published research on GHW now validates many of the historical uses of this herb. https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/news/20180711/ounce-prevention-guinea-hen-weed-valuable-herb
Everything is energy, and everything creates a magnetic field around itself. A plant or herb is no different, they all vibrate on different frequencies, and from time to time, they will change their frequencies to adopted accordingly to other conditions in their environment. Have you ever noticed that the house plants in your home are almost always cared for by the same house member? It is because the energy of the plants can easily align itself to that individual’s energy frequency when the plant needs attention. For the plant, it is effortless as the individual vibrates on a frequency with which the plant can easily communicate.
In quantum physics, the study shows that most illnesses happen because of the lowering of frequency and the body is functioning incoherently. When the energy in your body is not in flow with the atoms, molecules, tissues, chemicals, cells, organs, and systems, the body will not work coherently. The lowering of energy often occurs when the body experiences long-term stressful fight or flight situations. Herbs are great to help you on your holistic health journey because they bring your body inflow. Herbs know the energy blockages and the correct energy centers to target and heal.
Herbs can help you attune your energy into the different layers of your beings and raise your vibration frequency. It can help you create brain and heart coherence and help you stay in balance. When it comes to your holistic wellness journey, ensure that you are getting the benefits of healing teas.